Cooling Business Of The Year

Cooling Business Of The Year

Finalist: Gel-clear

Biofilm is the enemy of display cases and what Gel-clear is dedicatedto eradicating

Our judges liked the Gel-clear approach and they were particularly impressed that a small business – and one operating in a niche area – was striving to ‘do the right thing’ in the cooling industry. The company based in Darwen, Lancashire, has just four full-time staff and is owned solely by Paurick Gaughan….

Sauermann and Gel-clear Join Forces to Prevent Refrigeration Biofilm

Sauermann, a global leader in condensate removal pumps, and Gel-clear, a UK-based company that produces tablets that prevent the formation of refrigeration biofilm, are pleased to be partnering to offer a superior Si-93 pump solution.

Biofilm is a bacteria that often forms and is a well-known problem in supermarket refrigerated-display cabinets. It can cause costly leaking.

The combination of Sauermann`s Si-93 membrane pump and Gel-clear`s anti-biofilm tablet provides a winning solution for store owners and customers that can significantly reduce their leaking liabilities by nearly 100 percent.

The partnership between Sauermann and Gel-clear for this product was cemented during Chillventa in Germany.

¨Sauermann Group …

Gel-clear launch in Germany

Multi-award winning Gel-clear tablet prevents formation of biofilm in supermarket chillers and reduces condensate leakages and maintenance costs by 90-95% on average.

Gel-clear extend lifespan

Gel-clear announced the launch of their new extended life tablet as the 15/6/17. The change aims to bring consistency and simplicity for installers PPM operatives, and reactive maintenance engineers.

Managing director Paurick Gaughan said:
“Our one-year tablet has always achieved fantastic results, case studies have always proven a reduction in water leak call-outs between 90-100%. Our tablet is installed by a range of people from refrigeration engineers to case cleaning technicians, we appreciate case designs differ, operational use varies, we know placing the tablets as directed is not always possible, in light of this, we have increased the tablets lifespan by 40%. …

Service Trench 50mm Drains

Service trench 50mm drains block with jelly the same as the case plumbing, it is important these drains are clear before installing tablets. For more information about Gel-clear visit

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