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New to market foaming condensate drain cleaner

Gel-clear are proud to launch the industries first non-hazardous drain cleaner for HVACR condensate drains. A safe alternative to acid/alkaline/caustic cleaners, it is formulated to kill biofilm forming bacteria in the overground condensate drains while cleaning and unblocking drains.

Condensate drains beneath the cabinet have always escaped the reach of conventional drain cleaning methods, all too often engineers will use caustic/acid/alkaline based drain cleaners as a last resort, and at risk to both themselves and the equipment they work on. The need for an appropriate drain cleaner has been apparent for many years.

Industry legislation highlights the risks of personal injury and damage to appliances using acid, recommending it only ever to be used to remove limescale accumulations on EXTERNAL drains. (BSEB12056) An overground blocked condensate drain full of acid cleaner creates bigger problems than a blocked drain!

The BRA have always accepted that the overground condensate drains beneath the cabinet to be the remit of the refrigeration contractor, and as such, the launch of a user friendly, food safe cleaner is a big step forward in cabinet PPM and reactive maintenance alike.

Gel-clear have led the way for HVACR condensate drainage in food retail, developing and UK manufacturing both chemical, and physical award winning products to improve condensate drain efficiency.

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