Latest trial demonstrates 87% reduction in call outs for water leaks

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holderness-rd-free-trial-overviewThe latest trial data from a customer free trial were received last month.

On analysis of the clients’ FM log data, an 87% reduction in call-outs for water leaks to the treated cases was recorded. The trial carried out for Integral UK has been hailed a success. The trial was carried out on two complete aisles of HT cases, Dairy and ready meals, and also an island fixture stocking meats that were draining into a condensate pump tray. The units were identified for trial by the client as persistently problematic with water leaks. Although the trial only covered the 6 month period either side of the tablet installation, the site report that they have had no new call-outs since the data was presented, taking it to 11 months since the installation with only one call out.

“This is fantastic news and typical of the results we can demonstrate to any customer willing to engage in our free trial offer”

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